Turtle Walker – An Emaho Films Production

Marine Mammal and Megafauna Stranding Network

This Project's Main Goals

1. Stranding Response Programme

Create a robust stranding response and management programme in collaboration with the Forest Departments in both Karnataka & Goa.

2. Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Transit Centers

Build Centers in every state where injured live strandings are able to be housed while they are undergoing treatment.

3. Marine Veterinarian Services

Have specialized Wildlife Vets integrated into the network to provide treatment, collect data, and train other vets to support the growing need.

What makes this special...


First structured documentation of stranding incidences
in the state 115 stranding incidents documented

Systems for stranding response, necropsies, and live
animal handling were established for the first time in
the state

The Forest Department is now working with Reefwatch to build a new center in Mangalore!

Launched a Ghost Net Program as Well


The Ocean Watch Network was started in 2017 by our impact producer as a private-public partnership between Drishti Marine, Terra Conscious, and the Goa Forest
Department. 6 years of data have been collected!

ReefWatch brought its veterinary expertise to Goa in March 2021

The first Marine Mammal Stranding Network in the world that has the support of lifeguards to act as first responders

Our stranding numbers

GOA– *Data Since 2021

777 – Strandings Reported
227 – Total Post Mortems

KARNATAKA– *Data Since 2020

278 – Strandings Reported
72 – Total Post Mortems

GUJARAT– *Data Since 2023

39 – Strandings Reported
02 – Total Live Releases

316 – Strandings Attended
– Total Live Releases
121 – Strandings Attended
26 – Total Live Releases

03 – Strandings Attended

Our stranding

GOA- *Data Since 2021

777 – Strandings Reported
227 – Total Post Mortems

316 – Strandings Attended
– Total Live Releases

KARNATAKA- *Data Since 2020

278 – Strandings Reported
72 – Total Post Mortems

121 – Strandings Attended
26 – Total Live Releases

GUJARAT- *Data Since 2023

39 – Strandings Reported
02 – Total Live Releases

03 – Strandings Attended

Unique Features


Reefwatch’s work has helped educate, empower, and support coastal communities.
They are helping to clean up Karnataka’s beaches and support its marine life.


The stranding network integrates the state’s 600+ Lifeguards. This ensures that the
network has eyes every day along the entire 105 km coastline of the state.

Awesome Results


The Karnataka Forest Department has extended the initial one-year contract by
another three years to aid the expansion of the work ReefWatch is doing.


The Ocean Watch Network is strengthening its partnership, and all the members
are finding ways to support the program with their expertise to create a 100
percent response rate to strandings.

ReefWatch’s current project encompasses Goa, Karnataka, & Gujarat. Over the next few years, they aim to expand its scope of work to cover the entire Konkan coast.

“Together” we could help hundreds of turtles over the next few years and create a scaleable model for the entire coastline of India.

What Sets This Program Apart

1. Creating a Scaleable Model

We are designing this program so that it can be scaled over time across the entire Indian coastline. We have requests from the Forest Department in Maharashtra as well now.

2. Building Capacity

We seek to use our expertise to help build capacity within both the Forest Department and the coastal communities in which we work so they can continue to build off this work for years to come.

3. Long Term Applications

We will use the data collected over time to propose policy recommendations & changes that should help reduce the number of strandings but also empower the Forest Department to take the program forward independent from our day-to-day involvement.

Why is a stranding network important?

    • Treatment and care for individual animals.
    • Important data on species and populations can be collected.
    • Allows for scientifically informed policy recommendations.
    • Builds awareness within stakeholder communities that use the space.
    • Aids in building ownership and outlook of the animals as a shared responsibility in the stakeholders’ minds
    • Supports government bodies and cultivates greater departmental initiative.

Coastal Guardians

“Coastal Guardians” a video we put
together showcasing the wonderful work of the Marine Megafauna Stranding Network in Goa.

Together we want to keep expanding this organization’s amazing work across.

Impact at a Glance

3+ years in

We started working with Reefwatch
in the Fall of 2020 when they had
just launched their Marine Mammal
and Mega Fauna Stranding
Network in Karnataka. We have
been able to support the stranding
network right from the beginning.

2012.59 km, of
coastline covered

In 2021, Reefwatch expanded into Goa to provide specialised veterinary support to the existing stranding network. In 2022, they started setting up a similar network in Gujarat.

21, 137, 124 RS. funds

This amounts to about 265,000 USD, which ensures that the networks can continue to operate uninterrupted for
3 Years in all 3 States. As of April 2024, the amount raised is now at 333431 and expected to increase moving forward to support the continuation of phase 1 and launch of phase 2.

440+ responses to

Peak stranding season happens
during the monsoon months. We
have two centers set up in
Karnataka, one in South Goa, and
are in the process of setting one up in
Gujarat, where treatment of the live
strandings take place.

Marine Mammal Stranding Network Impact Partners

3+ years in operation

We started working with Reefwatch
in the Fall of 2020 when they had
just launched their Marine Mammal
and Mega Fauna Stranding
Network in Karnataka. We have
been able to support the stranding
network right from the beginning

2012.59 km, of coastline covered

“In 2021, Reefwatch expanded into Goa to provide specialised veterinary support to the existing stranding network. In 2022, they started setting up a similar network in Gujarat”

21, 137, 124 RS. funds raised

This amounts to about 265,000 USD, which ensures that the networks can continue to operate uninterrupted for
3 Years in all 3 States. As of April 2024, the amount raised is now at 333431 & expected to increase moving forward to support the continuation of phase 1 & launch of phase 2

440+ responses to standings

Peak stranding season happens during the monsoon months. We have two centers set up in Karnataka, one in South Goa, and are in the process of setting one up in
Gujarat, where treatment of the live strandings take place.

phase 1: impact partners

“To protect the ocean and the life within, so our children (and theirs) will have access to this
source of richness and beauty that sustains us today. “

ReefWatch’s Vision directly aligns with Satish’s life work and their years of onground work give us the confidence that they
will be able to honor his legacy long after he is gone.

ReefWatch’s Konkan Coast Marine mammal and megafauna Stranding Response Programme Directly supports Turtle conservation efforts in Goa and Karnataka

